Acoustic Sound System Tips for Your Church

A sound system is a very common appliance. It amplifies the sounds of performers or ministers to address a large gathering properly. With properly installed acoustical sound systems, people can easily hear the singing or preaching. It’s important to understand that every church needs a good sound system to effectively communicate the preachings and the Gospel of Jesus.

When an acoustical sound system is properly installed and operated, it uses a subtle device that doesn’t draw a lot of attention to itself. Within the system’s technical abilities, it’s aimed at capturing a live presentation and amplifying the effects with high fidelity. Moreover, it doesn’t restrict a performer’s expression or concentration.

It’s worth mentioning that a sound system is only considered legitimate when it serves both the audience and the performer. When an acoustical sound system impairs the listening of a congregation or hinders a minister’s performance, you must have done something wrong at the time of installation. Thus, it’s important to hire a reputable audio/video installation company.

Every day, churches around the world are building new sanctuaries and upgrading their acoustical sound systems. There are many inexperienced technicians who just rush into the job, and don’t focus on producing high audio quality. Therefore, when it comes to installing or upgrading a sound system in a church or theater, you should only hire a reputable company.

In order to make sure your sound system produces exceptional sound quality, it’s important to gather some information about electronics, equipment and other technical details. You should discuss everything with the installation company. In this post, we’ve discussed a few effective tips to make sure your acoustic sound system produces exceptional sound quality. Though you should rely on the installation company, these tips will help you understand certain aspects of installation.



This is considered one of the strangest behaviors of audio or sound. When two different sound waves play at the same time from two separate locations, they come into phase. At this time, the sound waves amplify or double in amplitude. This problem lays the foundation for all kinds of feedback issues. Conversely, when two same sound waves are played out of sync from each other, such as 180 degree out of phase, they are cancelled out. Thus, they aren’t heard.


Parallel Walls Aren’t Good

This is also considered one of the most common problems. Whenever there are parallel walls in a room, there’s a good chance a little phasing will occur. Whether it’s front to back, right to left or floor to ceiling, you need to make proper arrangements for parallel walls. When it comes to sound, the angle of refraction equals the angle of incidence.

It’s a technical way of saying audio reflects at the same angle when it hits something. When you create an appropriate environment where sound could easily bounce back and forth, it becomes easier for frequencies to get trapped. This causes your system to perform poorly.


Subs on the Floor

Subwoofers can push the low end in an acoustical sound system. Due to the way most speakers are designed, the speaker’s box is also very important. In fact, it’s as important as the cone of the speaker that moves the air. Each cabinet housing a speaker is tuned properly to maximize the speaker’s output.

Subwoofers are specifically designed to resonate the speaker cabinets. In addition to this, they also resonate the room where you keep them. Due to this, the room becomes a part of the speaker. When you hang a speaker from above or mount it high, resonance is significantly reduced. When you keep the subwoofers on the floor, you always receive the best low end of the acoustical sound system.


Dispersion Angle

Last but not the least, it’s also important to consider the dispersion angle. Every speaker has a specific angle of dispersion. In most cases, you can find this information in the instruction manual. There’s always a vertical angle and horizontal angle. You need to check if the speaker is turned sideways.

You can even use a protractor to visually line up where direct sound begins to fade out. When you line up the edges, direct sound isn’t wasted over a wall. Moreover, you can maximize the sound produced by your acoustical sound system.

In order to make sure your acoustical sound system produces high sound quality, you should always hire a reputed and experienced audio/video installation company. It makes sure your church sound system maximizes audio output.


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